
The Candlepin Ruby bindings are designed to be invoked off of a client object. Currently, there is a NoAuthClient, BasicAuthClient, X509Client, and TrustedAuthClient to match the various types of authenticated interactions Candlepin can expect to have with a client. (There is a stub for an OAuthClient but I have not yet implemented it).


Every client class descends from NoAuthClient so each client class can accept the following options in a hash:

  • host - Defaults to localhost
  • port - Defaults to 8443. Should be provided as an int
  • context - Defaults to /candlepin. Leading slash is not required
  • use_ssl - Defaults to true!
  • insecure - Defaults to true! E.g. self-signed certs are accepted by default.
  • connection_timeout - Defaults to 3 seconds
  • fail_fast - If the client should throw an exception on a non-200

Additionally, the other clients have additional options.


  • username - user to identify as


  • username
  • password


  • client_cert - OpenSSL::X509:Certificate object
  • client_key - OpenSSL::PKey::PKey object

The X509Client.from_files and X509Client.from_consumer factory methods are provided to construct a client given two PEM files or a blob of consumer JSON.

Client Design

A client wraps an HTTPClient instance and exposes many of the HTTPClient methods through delegation. The actual HTTPClient instance is available via the raw_client method if you need it.

The logical Candlepin methods are implemented in modules and inserted into the Client classes via include.

Handy Client Methods

  • client.debug! will set the client instance to print out the HTTP request and response. Disable with client.debug = false
  • client.fail_fast = true will set the client to fail raise an exception on a non-200 response. Useful to set before running several operations that must succeed
  • client.reload will reload the underlying HTTPClient instance. You need to call this method if you change attribute values (e.g. hostname) via the accessor methods
  • client.uuid = XXX can be used to assign a specific consumer uuid to a client so that you don’t have to keep passing it in
  • client.key = XXX like the above, but with an owner key

Candlepin Methods

General notes:

  • Options are specified via an option hash: E.g. client.delete_consumer(:uuid => '123')
  • The methods are generally strict about the options hash. It cannot contain keys that the method does not recognize (to help you catch typos, etc. early). Additionally, some values in the options hash are required or have other validation performed on them. Validation failure results in an exception.
  • Nearly all the methods return an HTTP::Message object that represents the entire response. That includes headers, status code, and response body.
  • Many times you will want only the content of a successful request and an error otherwise. For this scenario use ok_content off the HTTP::Message. The response body will be returned if the status was a 2xx otherwise an exception is raised. E.g. client.get_status.ok_content

The methods generally follow the below conventions:

  • Accepted options are strictly snake case. Any conversion to camel case is handled internally
  • If request is a GET, method begins with get
  • If request is a DELETE, method begins with delete
  • If request is a POST, method begins with create, add, or post
  • If request is a PUT, method begins with update or put
  • Reasonable defaults are provided so that you only need to add things you care about to the options hash.

Notable methods:

  • register_and_get_client will register a consumer and instead of returning the HTTP response, returns a X509Client bound to the created consumer.
  • bind to bind an entitlement to a consumer.


#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require './candlepin'

RANDOM_CHARS = [('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z'), ('1'..'9')].map(&:to_a).flatten
def rand_string(prefix = '', len = 9)
  rand = (0...len).map { RANDOM_CHARS[rand(RANDOM_CHARS.length)] }.join
  prefix.empty? ? rand : "#{prefix}-#{rand}"


client =
  :username => 'admin',
  :password => 'admin'

client.key = ORG

PRODUCT_ID = 'MKT641315117378'.freeze

product = client.get_owner_product(
  :product_id => PRODUCT_ID[3..-1],

consumers = []
10.times do
  consumers << client.register(
    :name => rand_string('consumer'),
    :facts => { 'system.certificate_version' => '3.2' },
  puts "Registered #{consumers.last[:id]}"

consumers.each do |c|
  res = client.update_consumer(
    :uuid => c[:uuid],
    :installed_products => {
      :productName => product[:name],
      :productId => product[:id],
  res2 = client.update_consumer(
    :uuid => c[:uuid],
    :installed_products => {
      :productName => product[:name],
      :productId => product[:id],
  puts "Updates: #{res.status_code} and #{res2.status_code}"

consumers.each do |c|
    :async => false,
    :uuid => c[:uuid],
    :product => PRODUCT_ID,

sleep 5

consumers.each do |c|
  res = client.delete_consumer(
    :uuid => c[:uuid]
  puts "Deleted #{c[:uuid]} - #{res.status_code}"
Last modified on 30 August 2024