In some scenarios, it may be desirable to have Candlepin add custom files to a manifest. Candlepin facilitates the extension of a manifest by allowing the configuration of a ManifestExtensionAdapter implementation.
Custom extension data can be passed as part of the GET /consumers/:uuid/export/async API request by using ‘ext’ query parameters. The values of these parameters must follow a KEY:VALUE format.
$ curl -k -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://localhost:8443/candlepin/consumers/CONSUMER_UUID/export/async?ext=version:1.2.3&ext=...
NOTE: As of candlepin-2.0.31, the ‘ext’ parameters are supported in the deprecated synchronous export API, though we strongly urge the use of the asynchronous version above.
In order for candlepin to load a custom implementation of this adapter, the new class will have to be created and must implement the interface and be bound in a custom guice module. These classes must then be put on candlepins classpath (usually in the form of a JAR file) post candlepin installation. Be sure to remember to restart tomcat once the classes are in place.
package org.candlepin.example;
import java.util.Map;
import org.candlepin.model.Consumer;
* A sample ExportExtensionAdapter implementation that simply creates and adds a
* txt file to the manifest's extension directory.
public class SampleManifestExtensionAdapter implements ExportExtensionAdapter {
public void extendManifest(File extensionDir, Consumer targetConsumer, Map<String, String> extensionData)
throws IOException {
String version = (String) extensionData.get("version");
if (version == null) {
throw new IOException("Missing version when adding extension data to manifest.");
File extension = new File(extensionDir, String.format("my-extension-%s.txt", version));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(extension);
writer.write("An extension was created for consumer " + targetConsumer.getUuid() + ".\n");
writer.write("Version: " + version);
package org.candlepin.example;
* When overriding service implementation, a custom guice module must be created. In this
* example, we simply bind the ExportExtensionAdapter interface to our custom extension
* adapter class so that candlepin will inject our adapter whenever the interface is
* injected.
public class CustomCandlepinModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
# Edit /etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf
# In the candlepin config file, custom modules are configured with the following template:
# Add our custom class as follows and restart candlepin. The logs will tell you if it has
# been successfully loaded.