Java Coding Conventions

This document contains the standard conventions that should be followed when writing Java code for the Candlepin project. Everything not specifically addressed by this document should follow the official Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language.

Conventions specific to Candlepin have been primarily drawn from the conventions imposed by Spacewalk, or have been invented to accommodate matters of internal style and practicality. To help people conform to the document conventions, we have integrated checkstyle into our build tree.

The checkstyle configuration file, buildconf/checkstyle.xml, is our definitive style guide source. The conventions here should be putting those conventions into english and for things checkstyle can’t check. Configuration Checkstyle


All left brackets should be the end of the line and all right brackets should be alone on the line.

// Correct
public class SomeClass {
    public void someMethod() {
        if (...) {
            try {
                // do something
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                // handle exception
            catch (SecurityException se) {
                // handle exception
        else if (...) {
            // do something else.
public class SomeIncorrectClass {
    public void someMethod()
        if (...)
            try {
                // do something
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // handle exception
            } catch (SecurityException se) {
                // handle exception
        } else if (...) {
            // do something else.

Brackets are mandatory even for single line statements!

// Correct
if (expression) {
    // some code
if (expression)
    // some code


All .java source files should use the Unix text file format (e.g. Unix-style EOLs). Any platform specific files should have a file format appropriate for its target platform (i.e. a .bat file should use a DOS text file format).


Files and Directories should be named such that no case-insensitive duplications occur (i.e. don’t create a directory named “build” in a directory where a file named “BUILD” exists).


The following conventions are meant to further refine the conventions described by section 9 of the Java coding conventions.


All in house packages should be a subpackage of “org.candlepin”

package org.candlepin.util


Use of ‘_’ in classnames should be avoided but is not strictly prohibited. An appropriate use of ‘_’ in a class name would be to separate multiple back-to-back acronyms (after seriously considering whether the chosen classname is appropriate).

class SSL_RPCSocket


Interface names should follow the conventions for class names. They should NOT be prefixed with an I such as IUser.

interface RPCService


The use of ‘_’ should be avoided in method names.


The use of ‘_’ should be avoided in variable names.


The names of constants should not include a leading ‘_’.


  • Tab characters are not allowed in source code.
  • A space should appear after the right parenthesis for typecasts

    // Correct
    String myString = (String) list.get(1);
    String myString = (String)list.get(1);
  • Whitespace should appear between the following tokens and their subsequent open parenthesis: assert, catch, for, if, synchronized, switch, while (in accordance with section 8.2 of the Java coding conventions.

    // Correct
    while (this == that) {
    while(this == that) {
  • The preference is to use a single space rather than a tab to separate the type and the identifier for variable declarations.

    // Correct
    BigDecimal myNumber
    int level;
    BigDecimal   myNumber;
    int          level;


Indentation should be four spaces – not tabs.

For emacs users, the following will produce four space indents rather than tabs:

(setq-default tab-width 4 indent-tabs-mode nil)

Vim users can add the following to their .vimrc

set ts=4
set expandtab

Line length

Avoid lines longer than 92 characters. This is contrary to section 4.1 of the Java coding conventions. While we allow 92 characters, many developers strive to keep to the 80 character limit.


Javadoc comments SHOULD exist on all non-private methods and fields. Comments on methods should indicate any assumptions made about the method’s parameters. Also, if you are working on existing code and the code is missing javadoc comments, then you should add comments or call it to the attention of an appropriate developer. Checkstyle looks for “{@inheritDoc}” to determine that the method inherits its comments from a parent class.

Methods or classes that have been incompletely implemented or for which the developer has specific ideas for improvement should have a @todo javadoc comment indicating what work remains, followed by the developer’s account name and a date. Elaborate with further comments interspersed in the code as necessary.

 * ...
 * @todo Figure out how best to handle IOException here (kdykeman - 2003/10/08)

Please refer to the Javadoc home page if you are unfamiliar with Javadoc.

Note that while javadocs are encouraged for test classes where appropriate, checkstyle does not require javadoc comments for test classes.


The following license message should be placed at the top of each Spacewalk generated source file:

 * Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or
 * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2
 * along with this software; if not, see
 * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is
 * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated
 * in this software or its documentation. 

The way the license file was written, checkstyle expects a space after the * separating the second and third paragraphs as well as a space after the period at the end of the last line.

Qualified imports

All import statements should contain the full class name of classes to import and should not use the “*” notation (Eclipse can help do this quickly): An example:

// Correct
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.*;


Do not use System.out or System.err to log; instead, use the logging API.

Care should be taken to log messages at an appropriate level for the information they present (keeping in mind that the default log level is INFO).

designates finest-grained informational events that highlight the stepwise progress of the application.

Entering method foo

designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful for debugging an application.

Item ‘bar’ removed from cache.

designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.

The service started successfully

designates potentially harmful situations.

Property value not set, using default value

designates error events (including potentially fatal ones)

SSL certificate not found on startup.

Hidden Fields

Parameter names for a method should not shadow fields defined in the same class. Shadowing a field leads to situations that can result in inadvertently using the wrong variable. Below is a contrived example of shadowing and the problems that it can introduce:

public class Foo {
    private String myString = "bar";

    public Foo(String myString) {
        this.myString = myString;
        myString = myString + "baz";  // Oops!

File and Method lengths

Any of the following conditions should be taken as indication that a class/method should be refactored:

  • Source files with a length greater than 2500 lines.
  • Methods with a length greater than 150 lines.
  • Methods taking more than 12 parameters.

Exception handling

Avoid catching Throwable or Exception and catch specific exceptions instead.

If an exception is caught and rethrown as a different exception type, the new exception should be constructed with the caught exception as the cause. This allows stack trace information for the original exception to be preserved.

If you catch an exception and decide not to rethrow it for whatever reason, you should log it. In particular, do not use the printStackTrace() method because its output goes to stderr rather than to the logging system.

When logging an exception, invoke one of the logging methods taking two parameters - a message and the exception. SLF4J will not allow you to log a bare exception alone. You must provide a String message.

The following is an example of how to properly log a “handled” exception:

try {
catch (RiskyException re) {
    log.error("risky failed", re);
Last modified on 24 September 2024