Multi-Version Products Design
Soon it will be possible to have multiple versions of the same product installed on a system.
- Subscription Manager stores product certificates as [productid].pem, which
obviously clashes if there are multiple versions of the same product
- Subscription Manager UI displays installed product version. Will this work
ok if there were multiple certificates?
- Subscription Manager does not report the installed version. It is populated
on the server automatically by querying the product service and using the
version it reports. (totally broken and needs to be fixed)
- Compliance Checking: If I have multiple versions of a product installed,
what is required for me to be “green”?
- As a user, I would like to be able to install multiple versions of the same
product on one system.
- Modify updateInstalled method to not just use PRODUCTID.pem
as the filename. (perhaps productid-version.pem)
- Refactor so the
object is responsible for determining
where to write a cert and with what filename. (rather than using
- Prevent duplicates from getting written. (probably helped by pushing the
write logic into
- Handle backward compatibility, likely by having
do a
quick check on load for old filenames and if any are found, write them in
the new fashion.
- Examine usage of certificate directory findByProduct vs findAllByProduct.
- As a user, I would like to be able to see the various product versions
installed in GUI and CLI.
- GUI handles this ok right now as far as I can tell.
- CLI list –installed is only showing one. Needs a small update to be aware
there could be multiple versions.
- As an engineer, I would like subscription manager to send installed product
versions to Candlepin.
- Client should send up the versions along with installed products.
Currently only one of them will be written to the installed products cache
and sent to server. (/var/lib/rhsm/cache/installed_products.json) It is
however sent as a list of hashes, so API should not need to change.
- Handle changes to installed products. (i.e. a new version of an existing
product is added or removed, we must know something has changed in the
cache and send to the server.
- As an engineer, I would like Candlepin to accept installed product versions
for consumers.
- Currently there is a version stored in the installed product data in
Candlepin, but it is not sent by the client. Candlepin is calling the
product adapter and using whatever version appears on the product data
that is returned, which is likely unusable.
- What should happen to existing versions in the database?
- Could clear them an upgrade script. A little risky in that if it were
run on a server that was already accepting versions we would wipe them.
(would this happen? you should be upgrading your db before deploying a
new version of cp that was accepting versions)
- Could just let clients start reporting them and leave anything old.
- Test both new clients talking to older Candlepin (suspect Candlepin will
just clobber the incoming version but nothing we can do about that now,
just need to be sure it doesn’t error out), and old clients talking to new
Candlepin (should not store any product version).
- As a user, I would like red/yellow/green status correctly defined when I
have multiple versions of one product installed.
- TBD: This is mostly pending feedback on what exactly the requirements are.
Until then there’s not much we can do.
- Key question is whether or not multiple concurrent versions requires
multiple entitlements.
Last modified on 7 February 2025