Candlepin uses a JavaScript rules file to encapsulate business logic around what consumers can use a given pool, which pools are the best fit to auto-subscribe for a given consumer, and what a consumer’s entitlement status is. (red green yellow)

How It Works

The Candlepin RPM contains a copy of the rules file when that package was generated. Rules files can be uploaded explicitly by a super admin using POST /rules, though this is generally rarely used.


Rules files are included in all manifests, and imported on downstream Candlepin servers when the manifest is imported, provided the included version is compatible and newer than what the server currently has. See versioning section below.

If you examine a manifest zip file, you will see the new rules file in the rules2 directory, the current filename is rules.js.

You will also see rules/default-rules.js, this is a legacy rules file now deprecated, but left in the manifests to prevent breakage when new manifests are imported on older Candlepin servers.


The new rules.js file contains a version in the first line of the file. The major portion of the version number indicates overall compatibility for the Candlepin server. Any time we change something major, usually passing additional data in or removing something we pass in, the major version number must increment. This will prevent any older Candlepin server from trying to use a rules file that will break.

The minor version number will be incremented on any change to the rules that does not break API compatibility.

On import, the Candlepin server will only import an incoming rules file if the major version number matches exactly, and if the minor version number is greater than or equal to what it has already. We do not want lesser minor version numbers as we can assume we already have newer rules. This prevents situations where the rules can revert to older files depending on the order manifests were generated vs imported in a multi-org deployment.

Once a rules file is uploaded, it is stored in the database replacing anything that was there before. On every server start up, we treat the load from the database as if it were an import, allowing us to not use older or incompatible rules from the database if the Candlepin RPM has been upgraded and now carries newer rules, or a new rules API major version number.

Developers should strive to change the major version number as little as possible, as this effectively disables import of new rules on all Candlepin servers in the wild until they upgrade.

Developer Notes

  • Bump the minor version number of the rules.js file on any change to the file. Bump the major if we add/remove/change something that will not work on older Candlepin servers. Try to avoid doing this whenever possible.
  • Do not use “for each” in JavaScript rules, this has been deprecated.
Last modified on 25 July 2024