If you want the buildconf/scripts/deploy script to auto-generate and install your candlepin.conf file every time, then:
Edit /etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf and place the word AUTOGENERATED in the first line of the file. The deploy script will not overwrite your candlepin.conf otherwise.
$ sudo sh -c "echo '# AUTOGENERATED' | cat - /etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf > /tmp/c.out && mv -f /tmp/c.out /etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf"
Edit your ~/.candlepinrc file and add the line
$ bin/deploy
I have created a buildr task that will automatically generate candlepin.conf
based on a template under erb/
and values defined in profiles.yaml
. Simply run buildr erb
and the buildr task will begin by
searching recursively for every *.erb file under the erb/
directory. Then
the task will load custom.yaml
in the project base directory. This file is
for you and you alone. It is in .gitignore
and is not meant to be checked
in. For every *.erb file, simply create an entry in custom.yaml
that is the
name of the template minus the “.erb” extension and then followed by a colon.
So for candlepin.conf.erb
, your custom.yaml
would initially look like
If you don’t have an entry in custom.yaml
for a particular template, then the
task will try and render the template anyway but it will warn you.
To add values for the template engine to substitute in, just declare them in
. So for example, if you want to turn Candlepin’s pretty printing
off in the candlepin.conf.erb
template, your custom.yaml
would look like
cp_pretty_print: "false"
There are a couple of things to note here. First, white space is important in YAML, so be sure to indent properly. Secondly, make sure to wrap your values in quotes so YAML will treat them as strings. If the word “false” were not in quotes here, the Ruby YAML parser would create an instance of FalseClass instead of String. This is probably not what you want since in Ruby the string “false” will evaluate to true while an instance of the FalseClass will evaluate to false.
The candlepin.conf.erb template has a few special properties.
You can declare logging by creating a custom_logging declaration and then providing a hash of logger names to log levels. Like so
"org.hibernate.SQL": "DEBUG"
"org.candlepin.servlet.filter": "DEBUG"
If you want to stop logging on a logger but leave it in the rendered candlepin.conf just put a hash sign in front of the logger name. For example
"#org.hibernate.SQL": "DEBUG"
"org.candlepin.servlet.filter": "DEBUG"
will render to
You can drop any additional stuff into the template without modifying the template by using the additional_properties declaration which is followed by a pipe character.
additional_properties: |
will render to
The pipe character tells YAML that the following text is a block.
Many of the default values are read out of “profiles.yaml”. See below.
scriptThe script is written so that the “buildr erb” task is only run if the deploy script is given the “-a” flag or your ~/.candlepinrc file has
for MySQL-o
for Oracleprofiles.yaml
You specify buildr with a profile using the “-e” option. Buildr then opens
and looks for a key matching your profile name. All the
values under that key are then loaded into Buildr’s profile variable. Let’s
suppose your profiles.yaml
looks like this
driver_class: "org.postgresql.Driver"
driver_class: "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
When running “buildr -e oracle” then profile['driver_class']
would equal “oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver”.
You can merge YAML hashes using the <<
operator and aliases.
common: &common
username: "candlepin"
password: ""
<<: *common
driver_class: "org.postgresql.Driver"
jdbc_url: "jdbc:postgresql:candlepin"
dialect: "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"
quartz_driver: "org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate"
In this example, when building with -e postgresql
you get the username
and password values too. The ampersand creates an alias to
an item. The <<
merges two hashes, and the asterisk dereferences the
alias. See here.
and -%>
tags. These tags
enable ERB’s trim mode so you don’t leave a lot of extra white space.Profile values can be accessed through the profile function.
<%= profile.password %>
Provide defaults: use the ||
operator to provide a default in case the user has not specified a value in custom.yaml
jpa.config.hibernate.show_sql=<%= show_hibernate || false %>
If you need to write to a local variable in the template, use the provided “_” variable followed by a period and then what you want to call your variable. Just declaring variables in the template scope runs the risk of overriding what was provided by the user.
_.big_string = small_string.upcase
Do not use Ruby’s “or” operator with assignments. It has a lower precedence than the assignment operator and so the value on the left of the “or” will always end up being assigned. See here
irb(main):003:0> x = nil or "bar"
=> "bar"
irb(main):004:0> x
=> nil
_.my_val_with_default = my_val or "default"
will be nil if my_val is not found in custom.yaml.
If you need to manipulate a value from custom.yaml, but aren’t sure if it’s going to be there or not, use the get() function and pass it a block. The block will be performed on the value if it is not nil, otherwise nil will be returned.
<%= get("my_optional_value") { |v| v.upcase } || "some default" %>
If you instead ran
<%= my_optional_value.upcase || "some default" %>
then you would get an error because you were dereferencing a nil.
Pay attention to the names of the values you put in custom.yaml. Because the ERB rendering class is running under Buildr, it gets polluted with a bunch of stuff that Buildr pulls in. Consequently, some names may already be assigned. If this is the case, the renderer will print out a warning but it will override the existing value. For example for the YAML
pretty_print: blah
You will see a warning reading
pretty_print is already defined in ["/usr/share/ruby/pp.rb", 279]. Boldy overriding it!
For more YAML tricks and tips see