Allow Remote Connections to embedded Artemis

Following changes need to be done in broker.xml.

First thing we need is to add an acceptor for the IP address the client will be calling.

<acceptor name="netty">tcp://</acceptor>

Next we define an address the client will be connecting to. We don’t need to define a queue as they will be created automatically for the connected clients.

<address name="event.artemis">

Settings for the address.

<address-setting match="event.artemis">

Last change is to divert the messages from default queue to the artemis queue. This will copy all messages coming to event.default and send them to the event.artemis.

<divert name="artemis_divert">

After restart of Candlepin any client can connect and listen to the messages in the event.artemis queue.


In Artemis, Netty is responsible for all things related to the transport layer, so it handles SSL as well. All configuration options are set directly on the acceptor.

Note: the trustStorePath and trustStorePassword variables are optional, in case you want to enable 2-way SSL authentication as described here.

On the broker, the artemis-server.ks file is the key store file holding the server’s certificate, while artemis-server.ts file is the file holding the certificates which the broker trusts:

<acceptor name="netty-ssl">tcp://localhost:61617?sslEnabled=true;keyStorePath=${artemis.instance}/certs/artemis-server.ks;keyStorePassword=securepassword;needClientAuth=true;trustStorePath=${artemis.instance}/certs/artemis-server.ts;trustStorePassword=securepassword/acceptor>

On the URL used by the client side, the artemis-client.ts file is the file holding the certificates which the client trusts, while artemis-client.ks is the key store file holding the client’s certificate:


External broker.xml

By default Candlepin uses broker.xml packaged with it. Candlepin can be set to use external broker.xml by setting its path in Candlepin property candlepin.audit.hornetq.config_path.

Last modified on 7 February 2025