This page contains a variety of information for those intending to work on Candlepin and its associated sub-projects.
Our canonical reference for code style is the config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml
which stores all the Checkstyle configuration.
Also see the Java Coding Conventions
For Python, stick to the guidelines in PEP8.
Also, run make stylish
to run pep8, pyflakes, pyqver, rpmlint, and a few
subman specific code checks.
For C, run this on your code before you commit: indent -linux -pcs -psl -ci8
-cs -cli8 -cp0 yourawesomefile.c
. Note that you may need to double-check that
the “*” is on the right line, and feed in arguments to indent as appropriate.
When writing commit messages, the goal is to have a summary that describes the changes as a whole, and details including specifics about the change.
The first line of a commit message is used as the title for many things, including both our build changelogs and the default PR title. Commit titles are limited to 70 characters and will be automatically truncated or word-wrapped by tooling the processes commit messages.
For commits originating from publicly viewable tasks (only Bugzilla as of October, 2022), the beginning of the commit title should be the ID of that task followed by a colon. When Jira becomes publicly accessible, the Jira task ID should be included as well.
The body of the commit message should consist of one or more bulleted items indicating specifics about the change, such that a reader unfamiliar with the specifics of the change can get a rough understanding of the change and developer intent without needing to look at the code. Each line of the body should also try to stay within the 70 characters limit.
Commit messages are used for generating changelogs when tagging builds. It may seem pedantic but when you need to process a few hundred lines it’s very helpful if they’re typo free, changelog friendly, and have the originating task automatically detected.
A general git guide can be found here.
[{task_identifier}:] commit title & summary of changes (70 char limit)
- bulleted list of specific changes
- change two
- change three
Where task_identifier
is the Bugzilla ID or Jira ID as appropriate.
Added same-ID entity version collision resolution
- The versioned entity update logic will now clear the entity
version for an existing entity on collision when the colliding
entities have the same entity ID
Added support for the device_auth capability and status
- Added support for the device_auth capability
- Added new fields to the status DTO for indicating OAuth2
device auth details (realm, url, client_id, and scope)
- Updated keycloak flows to also populate the device auth
fields and capabilities
2075587: Fixed attribute storage issue causing version collisions
- Fixed a bug with null-versioned product attributes causing
version collisions due to being used in the version calculation
before being silently discarded during entity persistence
- Null-valued attributes are now silently discarded at the API
layer to retain the current behavior
- Product entities will no longer accept null values for product
attributes, as Hibernate throws them out anyway
Pull-request (PR) titles should generally use the commit title for PRs containing only a single commit, but with the additional fields. In the case of a PR containing multiple commits, the PR title should be updated to encapsulate the entirety of the work or changes made by all of the commits.
Additionally, indicating the intended branch in the PR title helps readers quickly identify the context of the changes, and confirms that the target branch matches the author’s intent. This is not strictly required, but can be helpful to reviewers.
For complicated PRs or changes that involve complicated manual testing steps, the author should add a comment which includes information needed to perform manual testing and/or verification steps, as well as any other additional information needed to properly contextualize the changes contained in the PR.
[{branch_code}] {task_id}: {pr_title}
[{branch_code}] {bugzilla_id}: {pr_title} ({jira_id})
Single-commit PR with simple change:
Single-commit PR with a complex change:
Multi-commit, prototype PR:
Testing is extremely important for the team. We have a variety of test suites on the go, all of which should be kept passing before you commit to any given codebase.
Java unit tests: Standard JUnit tests which can be run from within Eclipse or from the CLI.
$ ./gradlew test
A specific suite can be run with:
$ ./gradlew test --tests EntitlementCuratorTest
Functional rspec tests (from
$ ./gradlew rspec
The safest bet, in addition to rspec, is to run check (includes all lint tasks, test, validate_translation) before committing:
$ ./gradlew check
When possible, we try to leverage mocks in unit tests to skip complicated/costly setup of objects we’re not interested in, and instead just focus on testing the component we are interested in. This is a bit of an art form in itself and can be quite tricky to get the hang of, and when it goes wrong you can end up with an un-maintainable mess. Look for good examples, experiment, chat with the team, and in general just try to leverage this when possible. We’re all still learning how this works. :)
In the Java unit tests this is accomplished with Mockito.
In subscription-manager and python-rhsm we use the python-mock module:
Candlepin can be a confusing beast. Some pointers that may help to understand how things work and why they are the way they are.
Central to Candlepin’s design is the use of adapters to abstract services which may or may not be provided by Candlepin components. Objects such as Subscriptions, Products, and Users all may live in external systems depending on the deployment.
These two objects are almost the exact same thing. They both exist because we may not be the canonical source for Subscription data. As such we use the Subscription service adapter to query subscription data, and use this to create/update/delete our own Pool objects (which are always in our database). The Pool’s are then used to track consumption.
See the debugging with wireshark page
Buildr can auto-generate candlepin.conf for you. This is very useful when you are constantly switching between databases. See the AutoConf page.
It can be helpful for developers to save a postgresql database for later use particularly when they’re loaded with a complex or large amount of data.
$ pg_dump -U candlepin candlepin > candlepindb.sql
To restore an old database:
$ sudo service tomcat6 stop
$ dropdb -U candlepin candlepin && createdb -U candlepin candlepin
$ psql -U candlepin candlepin < ~/src/candlepin/candlepindb.sql
$ buildconf/scripts/deploy -g -t
To enable remote debugging in Tomcat, you must pass the JVM values telling it to enable JDWP.
Add the following to the CATALINA_OPTS
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8000 # for Java 11+
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 # for Java 8 or earlier
Now you will be able to connect a debugger to port 8000.
The -Xdebugger -Xrunjdwp
version of enabling the debugger has been
deprecated as of Java 5.
Use -agentlib
Candlepin uses Tito to build the rpms, see here.
To see how to debug hibernate SQL queries see the logging page
CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.sortarray(int2[]) returns int2[] as '
SELECT $1[i]
FROM generate_series(array_lower($1, 1), array_upper($1, 1)) i
' language sql;
SELECT conrelid::regclass
FROM pg_constraint
JOIN pg_class ON (conrelid = pg_class.oid)
WHERE contype = 'f'
FROM pg_index
WHERE indrelid = conrelid
AND pg_temp.sortarray(conkey) = pg_temp.sortarray(indkey)
ORDER BY reltuples DESC