Pre entitlement rules checks
The following are the checks candlepin performs based on consumer facts and pool attributes to decide if it is a valid bind:
- do_pre_global:
- for manifest consumers, if product has a derived product, only allow the bind if consumer has derived_product capability
- multi-entitlement checks. if the pool does not have a multi-entitlement attribute:
- verify the consumer does not already have an entitlemnt of the same pool
- verify the quantity requested is not more than one
- if required consumer type is not specified, consumer type should be either system or hypervisor.
- if the pool is restricted to username, ensure it matches the request
- do_pre_virt_only:
- manifests can’t consume virt pools if they are also pool_derived.
- non guests and non manifests can’t consume virt pools.
- do_pre_physical_only:
- guests ( unless they are distributors ) can’t consume physical only pools
- do_pre_unmapped_guests_only:
- virtual guests cannot use unmapped guest pool if we know which host it belongs to.
- virtual guests cannot use unmapped guest pool if they are new newly registered.
- virtual guests cannot bind future unmapped guest pools
- do_pre_requires_host:
- manifests can’t consume required_host pools
- if consumer does not have a virt.uuid fact, and the pool has a requires_host, do not allow bind.
- the pool owner must match the host of the virtual guest ( identified by the requires_host pool attribute ).
- do_pre_requires_consumer:
- manifests can’t consume required_consumer pools
- the pool owner must match the consumer uuid (identified by the requires_consumer pool attribute).
- do_pre_requires_consumer_type:
- if a consumer_type attribute is on the pool, ensure it matches that of the consumer requesting the bind
- do_pre_vcpu:
- for non manifest guests, if consumer has a cores attribute and the pool is not stacked, make sure the pool has enough cores.
- do_pre_architecture:
- for non manifests, if pool requires arch, make sure consumer belongs to the same arch.
- do_pre_sockets:
- for non manifests and non guests, if consumer has a socket fact and pool is not stacked, ensure the pool provides enough sockets.
- do_pre_cores:
- for non manifest non guests, if consumers has a cores fact, and pool is not stacked, ensure consumer has enough cores.
- for manifest consumers, make sure manifest consumer has cores capability.
- do_pre_ram:
- for non manifests, if pool is non stacking, ensure pool has enough ram.
- for manifests, ensure manifest has ram capability
- do_pre_storage_band:
- for non manifests, if pool is non stacking, ensure pool has enough storage
- for manifests, ensure manifest has storage capability
- do_pre_instance_multiplier:
- for non manifests, non guests, for direct binds, verify quantity is divisible by pool’s instance multiplier.
- verify manifest consumers have instance multiplier capability.
Last modified on 7 February 2025