Disabling Auto Attach For An Owner

This feature is available in both candlepin- and candlepin-2.0.20+

Candlepin allows disabling the Auto Attach functionality, on a per Owner basis, to accomodate entitlement stability for Consumers of an Owner/Organisation during subscription renewals and/or other maintenance.

In many circumstances, Candlepin’s Auto Attach functionality is not the greatest at selecting the most appropriate entitlements to attach to a consumer. This is in part to the vast number of combinations of entitlements that can be selected to cover the needs of a consumer and make it valid. Often times, this can lead to a consumer being given entitlements that may not make sense for a customer’s deployment, leaving it up to and admin to manually fix them.

Providing the ability to disable Auto Attach at an owner level will stabilize consumer entitlement change temporarily, while maintenance such as renewals, can be performed.

Updating The Owner Setting

Auto Attach can be enabled/disabled for an Owner by modifying its Auto AttachDisabled field via the update owner API.

PUT /owners/:owner_key

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -k -u username:password -d '{"Auto AttachDisabled":true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/candlepin/owners/your_owner_key

Impact On Candlepin Features

Consumer Checkins

Auto Attach can be initiated by rhsmcertd when attempting to ‘heal’ the consumer. If Auto Attach is disabled for the consumer’s owner, it will be affected in the following ways:

  • Only affected if healing is enabled in rhsmcertd and on the consumer itself.
  • Wouldn’t result in any extra entitlements as the healing request will be blocked due to the org level setting.
  • End result would be a failed healing request that results in no new entitlements granted to the consumer.


The reason why no entitlements were found would only be visible in the rhsm.log

Without a client update, we can not present a more informative message.

Direct Auto Attach From Subscription Manager

Auto Attach can be invoked from the CLI or the GUI. If Auto Attach is disabled for the owner, it will be affected in the following ways:


  • The Auto Attach process will fail, presenting an error to the user stating that Auto Attach has been disabled for the owner.


subscription-manager register –auto-attach

  • would result in a successful registration, but no entitlements due to the org level disableAuto Attach setting.
  • client will report the standard “Unable to find available subscriptions for all your installed products.” message.
    • Without a client update, we can not present a more informative message.
  • The reason why no entitlements were found would only be visible in the rhsm.log

subscription-manager attach –auto

  • would result in no entitlements due to the org level setting.
  • The reason why no entitlements were found would only be visible in the rhsm.log


Without a client update, we can not present a more informative message.

Registering With Activation Keys

When registering with an activation key, auto attach can be invoked by setting the autoAttach property on the key(s). If Auto Attach is disabled for the target owner, it will be affected in the following ways:

  • ALL keys specified on registration will fail, even if one of them had Auto Attach enabled.
  • If a failure occurred, the entire registration process is rolled back.
  • Appropriate message is displayed by the client.

Heal Entire Owner/Org

The POST /owners/:owner_key/entitlements API call will attempt to heal all consumers in the targeted org. If Auto Attach is disabled for the target owner, it will be affected in the following ways:

  • If the target owner has Auto Attach disabled, an error response with a meaningful message would be set in the job’s result data, and the job would fail.

Hypervisor Checkin

On hypervisor checkin, the host/guest mapping update will be skipped if Auto Attach is disabled on the owner leaving candlepin in the state of the ‘last checkin’ until Auto Attach was again enabled.

  • Any potential migrations would occur the next time the virt-who checkin occurs.
  • Guests would heal themselves the next time rhsmcertd checks in.
  • Response will be a 400 - Bad Request in the case that Auto Attach is disabled for the target owner.
Last modified on 30 August 2024