Job Cleaner Job


The reoccurring job cleaner job periodically removes terminal, non terminal, and or running jobs based on provided configurations. By default this job runs everyday at 12:00 pm.

Job key: JobCleaner


  • Terminal job: A job in a state that will no longer change. Examples: Finished, failed, canceled, or aborted.
  • Non terminal job: A job in a state that can change. Examples: Scheduled, waiting, running, or queued.

Configurable Properties

Configurations that can be defined in the candlepin.conf file.

Property Key Default value Description 0 0 12 * * ? Defines when to run the job (Cron job format) 10080 The number of minutes in the past for terminal job retention 4320 The number of minutes in the past for non terminal job retention 2880 The number of minutes in the past for currently running job retention
Last modified on 12 December 2024