
Subscription Manger creates D-Bus messages when the entitlement status changes.


There are two signals that correspond to the messages that are sent:

    def entitlement_status_changed(self, status_code):
    def PropertiesChanged(self, interface_name, changed_properties,


The first contains a code with the status of the machine. It used to be consumed by the process rhsm_icon. The messages displayed there are keyed from the integer value. Those messages are not specific to actual installed products.

The second contains a dictionary that contains 3 parameters: Version, Status, and Entitlements. Version and Status [enum below] have single string values. Entitlements is a dictionary that uses the unique identifier [SKU] of each installed product as a key. The value is a tuple that contains the name of the installed product, a state code [enum below], and the compliance message for the product. All installed products will appear in this data set.

statuses = ["valid", "invalid", "partial", "unknown"]

states = ["future_subscribed", "subscribed", "not_subscribed", "expired", "partially_subscribed"]

Output from a D-Bus perspective:

$ dbus-monitor --system --monitor

signal sender=:1.10 -> dest=(null destination) serial=4 path=/EntitlementStatus; interface=com.redhat.SubscriptionManager.EntitlementStatus; member=entitlement_status_changed
   int32 1
signal sender=:1.10 -> dest=(null destination) serial=5 path=/EntitlementStatus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties; member=PropertiesChanged
   string "com.redhat.SubscriptionManager"
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "Status"
         variant             string "invalid"
      dict entry(
         string "Entitlements"
         variant             array [
               dict entry(
                  string "37069"
                  struct {
                     string "Management Bits"
                     string "not_subscribed"
                     string "Not supported by a valid subscription."
               dict entry(
                  string "37068"
                  struct {
                     string "Large File Support Bits"
                     string "not_subscribed"
                     string "Not supported by a valid subscription."
      dict entry(
         string "Version"
         variant             string "1.0"
   array [

In a scenario where the machine is unregistered, the output for PropertiesChanged will appear as follows:

signal sender=:1.8 -> dest=(null destination) serial=5 path=/EntitlementStatus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties; member=PropertiesChanged
   string "com.redhat.SubscriptionManager"
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "Status"
         variant             string "System is not registered."
      dict entry(
         string "Version"
         variant             string "1.0"
   array [

On Demand Message Production

There is a means to ‘poke’ the rhsm daemon to make it produce the first message on demand:

    def check_status(self):

Entitlement Status employs the standard Properties interface methods:

                         in_signature="ss", out_signature="v")
    def Get(self, interface_name, property_name):

                         in_signature="s", out_signature="a{sv}")
    def GetAll(self, interface_name):

As the available information is read-only, no other access retrictions have been implemented. If the capabilities are expanded in the future to include system manipulation, then access control will be added.

Last modified on 19 April 2024